Thursday, March 12, 2015

Make Your Old Walls Beautiful With New Texture

Lesson 8

 Repair Your Plaster Right by avoiding the common mistake of tackling your texture project before you have done the necessary practicing.

Hello.  Are you still with me?

.How are you doing?  Yes, you are getting a lot of information in this little mini-course.    Take your time, and absorb it as you can.  If you find questions arising, shoot me an email here:  I'll do my best to get back to you right away.

Now we are getting into the fun stuff - putting on a beautiful texture effect over that old repaired plaster wall or ceiling.

But ... I need to mention first one thing that you may not have considered.  New texture is best applied over a smooth surface.  If that old plaster wall or ceiling that you have repaired is rough, you really should skim coat the whole thing BEFORE you start putting on texture.

Why?  Well, for the simple reason that new texture applied directly over old texture (unless the old stuff is real light) will most probably allow the old texture to shadow through as your texture mud dries.  With a smoothed surface, then, the old texture is buried and will not spoil your new texture look.

For a quick view of how to apply skim coat, check out:

I understand you may be eager to get going on the texture process.  You've worked hard getting your plaster repaired, and patches primed.  Now you want to be the artist and make that old plaster shine like new!  Putting frosting on the cake  Michelangelo, move over.

Well, you will do it.  But ... hold your horses a moment, pardner ... let's go into this with our eyes wide open.  Do you really know what you are doing ... already?

Unless you have done wall or ceiling texture work before and are pretty confident in your skills, it would be a very good idea to get in some PRACTICE first.

The purpose of practicing is obvious, really.  You want to get a feel for mixing and applying your texture before you tackle your own plaster.  This way, when you do start, you will already know what you want to do.

So your practice time is experimentation time.  You try different mixes of material, you try out different tools, you try out different strokes or ways of working the texture mud with your tools.  You are familiarizing  yourself with everything until you feel comfortable with what you want to do and believe you can do it on a large(er) scale.

You are practicing on practice boards.  You could invest in a sheet of drywall and set it up against a wall where you try out different things.  Painted plywood could also be used.  You put something on, scrape it off, try something else, etc.  It's actually a lot of fun.  Get wild, be creative.  And when you can say - Aha!  THAT's what I like - then you have to ask yourself - can I do that over the whole ceiling or wall?

I had the good fortune myself in my beginning days to watch a master craftsman at work applying gorgeous textures to newly finished drywall.  He made it look easy.  And he taught me.  With some practice (in the closets and garages of the houses we were doing) I got pretty good at it, fairly quickly.  And I make no claim to being an "artist."

But I made a very good living for many years doing plaster renovation and custom texture work.

Some customers have hired me to give them lessons, because they are thrilled at the idea of doing their own texture work after I have finished my repair/renovation part.

So, if you are a little adventurous and would like to think about doing your own texturing,  here are a couple of suggestions.

First, read my webpage which covers the whole texturing thing pretty thoroughly.  It has some important heads-up info, and  points you to a few photos of  textures.

Next, if you would like to see "live demonstrations" of mixing and applying simple but beautiful textures, you can head over to my promo page where I tell some things about my own experience with texturing for clients ...  and, if you mosey on down the page, you can see where my DVD is available.

Ordering is easy, and I ship by parcel post within one or two days of receiving your order.  You have my rock solid 60 day money back guarantee of satisfaction.

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